Logistical support in Ecuador

Logistical support in Ecuador

There are situations that require high quality logistical support and transportation services.

Toucan Express offers you our experience and know-how in the organization of logistical support services in Ecuador for all your fixing projects, journalism requirements, scientific missions and other professional assignments.

Logistics, fixing and journalism assistance

Logistics, fixing and journalism assistance

For several years, we have been working to offer our expertise for photography, television and film.

Our extensive knowledge of the region allows us to offer a quality fixing and logistical support service. In partnership with Fixing Experience, the agency specialized in assistance for audiovisual projects, we offer assistance service packages for any journalism project.

We offer you a wide range of transport that allows you to make trips adapted to your specific filming needs. Booking private cruises for you and your group is also possible. Our experienced team will cover all the logistics.

Thanks to our professional drivers, as well as our knowledge of the terrain, we have helped major television networks and production companies such as BBC, NHK, France 5, TV5, or ARTE in the making of several nature documentaries on the spectacled bear, hummingbirds, condors, volcanoes of Ecuador, Galapagos underwater fauna and many other subjects.

We also help you to obtain the necessary permits for filming and photography activities, as well as other procedures involved in entering a protected natural area, whether public or private.

With our years of experience and all our knowledge, we will provide you with the logistical means necessary for the optimization and smooth running of your audiovisual productions.


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Some of our fixing missions

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Scientific expeditions

Scientific expeditionsOur deep knowledge of the territory and our fleet of vehicles adapted to all terrains has helped a large number of scientific and research projects to carry out biological inventories, baseline studies, research projects, long-term sampling, etc.

Our team of professionals with expertise in para-biology, can help and assist you all the different phases of the project; transportation, assembly and disassembly, sampling and technical support, as well as for the pre-logistics and setting up of hygienic and environmentally friendly camps. Additionally we can provide essential information of utmost importance such as: accessibility, distances, terrain difficulties, access to water sources, local resources, translators and more.

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Some of our scientific expeditions

  • Research project:  Trichopteras del Ecuador (2016-2020) – UDLA / University of Minnesota
  • Research project: Taxonomía de Streaked Saltator (Saltator striatipectus) en la isla Puná – Ecuador.
  • Logistical support for the Reuniones Ecuatorianas de Ornitologia
  • Research project: The nest, eggs and nestlings of Fulvous Antshrike, Frederickena fulva from north-east Ecuador
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A wide range of vehicles adapted to every need and terrain

Toucan Express Transport

If you have a special request, our team is waiting for your call!